16 09, 2020

Can Work Hard Determination Make You Successful

By |2020-09-16T21:27:52+00:00September 16th, 2020|Business Opportunities, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Determination means work hard to be better every day! Talk about determination! Nancy Lieberman is the who's, who of basketball and well known as a: Basketball Hall of Famer Two-time Olympian First-ever female BIG3 head coach Second, assisting female NBA coach Philanthropic leader Proud mom International motivational speaker Nancy Lieberman has determination and has been defying the odds since she was a young girl playing basketball in Harlem and is the youngest basketball player in American history, winning a Silver Medal. Above all, within just a few minutes, you'll feel [...]

20 12, 2019

Motivation For Keeping The Entrepreneurial Spirit

By |2019-12-26T23:30:07+00:00December 20th, 2019|Network Marketing, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Motivation Through Holistic Healing & Promptings First off, my Relationship Marketing blog has always been about helping people become aware of what a prompting is, and inspire motivation to act on their promptings and why it's essential. Presently, I'm making a shift in my blog to focus and speak more on promptings. Promptings and teaching about them is my passion and clear purpose not only in my business but in my personal life as well. Sadly, my passion developed from not acting on a prompting myself a few years back. [...]

16 08, 2019

Career Path: How To Find Success

By |2019-11-22T17:38:39+00:00August 16th, 2019|Network Marketing, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Career Paths and Choosing One Career paths and choosing one starts with a decision to find success no matter what. Making a decision to go all-in, instead of trying it out or giving it a go, makes the difference between success and failure. Choosing a career can cause fear and fear is almost always a factor in any career path. Fear is natural, especially when getting started in a job or career and seldom goes away completely. However, breaking through that fear can open many doors bringing massive success. I [...]

25 05, 2019

Success Habits That Drive Passion

By |2019-05-30T23:51:30+00:00May 25th, 2019|Business Opportunities|

Success habits are something we all could learn more about Success habits are best taught by a coach. First off, I always love when the word 'coach' comes before a name because coaches are some of the best mentors in the world, and they teach the habits of successful people. On today's blog learn how to build success habits that drive your own passion by: trusting your intuition staying laser focused staying competitive but; keeping ego at bay and; having humility I want to introduce you to Coach Dana Cavalea [...]

19 05, 2019

How to Accelerate the Sales Cycle

By |2019-05-19T22:54:12+00:00May 19th, 2019|Business Opportunities, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Sales cycles are accelerated with CRM systems for a sales force Sales cycle acceleration, is an important topic we are gonna cover in today's blog. Back in the day, sales used to be more transactional. Within the last few years, sales have transitioned into relational due to technology that makes it much simpler to stay in contact with prospects and customers. However, one of the most frustrating things about the sales process is how slow the process can move. This is why systems have been created for the sales force [...]

15 04, 2019

Commerce: Why Marketing Dollars And The Heart Are Both Important

By |2019-04-18T17:45:36+00:00April 15th, 2019|Business Opportunities, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Commerce in todays day and age Commerce is Bernadette McClelland's specialty! I'm honored to have interviewed Bernadette McClelland. Needless to say I'm excited to share some golden nuggets I learned on the sales process and commerce of today, and how it relates full circle to sales in the early days. You'd be surprised how the likeness in many ways hasn't changed. Bernadette's impressive background includes: Coaching sales enabling curriculum to NBA Harvard Graduates Master Asia-Pacific Coach for Anthony Robbins (12 countries) Author of 5 best-selling books Listen in and find [...]

6 04, 2019

Multi Level Marketing Success

By |2019-04-06T05:01:36+00:00April 6th, 2019|Network Marketing, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Multi Level Marketing is achieved by helping others get what the want Multi-Level Marketing is achieved by helping others get what they want. Multi Level Marketing, also known as Network Marketing or MLM is very near and dear to my heart. As most of you know, I own a network marketing company, and I'm involved with the ANMP, (Association of Network Marketing Professionals.) In the NWM industry, most accomplishments are featured in terms of income earned which is different from a lot of other industries. So, in multi-level marketing, there’s [...]

5 04, 2019

Relationship Marketing Grand Summit

By |2019-04-05T22:02:24+00:00April 5th, 2019|Business Opportunities, Kody's Insights, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Kody Bateman is the visionary and creator of the 'Relationship Marketing GRAND Summit.' He speaks, trains, and motivates people in all industries and walks of life throughout the world on the importance of the human connection in today's digital world, and how to achieve this within your business and personal life. At this extraordinary summit, not only will you hear from Kody himself but you will also love this exciting line-up of professionals who will share their insight on business success with Relationship Marketing. Kody Bateman: Founder of the modern-day [...]

8 02, 2019

Marketing Strategy: Leveraging Relationships for Business

By |2019-02-08T20:57:38+00:00February 8th, 2019|Business Opportunities, Personal Development, PHILANTHROPY, Relationship Marketing|

Marketing Strategy creates success for Photographer Marketing strategy is a big deal when it comes to business. But when people hear the words 'Relationship Marketing" they want to know exactly what "Relationship Marketing" is. Generally, the curiosity is because of the word "Marketing." Reason being, marketing is a way to generate more 'business', and 'money' which is the goal of any company. Relationship marketing is a great format, and it's essential to have a relationship marketing strategy in today's day and age. Besides, building business relations with kindness has never gone [...]

1 02, 2019

#1 Customer Satisfaction Secret Revealed

By |2019-02-07T18:01:01+00:00February 1st, 2019|Business Opportunities, Personal Development, Relationship Marketing|

Customer satisfaction is much simpler than you think! Customer Satisfaction is 'NOT' all about the product and or service you provide. Now don't misunderstand what I'm saying here. Yes, of course having a perfect product and service is one component and an especially important component of customer satisfaction. Some would even say this in the #1 most important step in customer service. However, I do in fact dare say it's not! Today's blog has an exclusive interview with Darla DiGrandi. Darla is an entrepreneur through and through. She learned at [...]


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